Cover of "Street Safe Kids"

New Book on Safety For All Children on, off streets


Children are the foundation of society, but thousands are abused every day. What more can we do to ensure their safety and growth?
In her new book, Street Safe Kids, author Stephanie Mann provides a step-by-step guide to ensuring the safety and well-being of children
who often deal with abusive situations on the streets and in their homes.

“More than 599,000 young people aged 10 to 24 years old had physical assault injuries treated in U.S. emergency departments last year,”
Mann said. “That’s an average of 1,642 children dealing with assault each day.” Mann, founder and CEO of Safe Kids Now, is constantly
working to educate children and parents on keeping each other safe and learning to walk away from abusive or dangerous

“Many kids believe they cannot accomplish anything without help from their parents,” Mann said. “But they are stronger than they think
and can do so much more.” For more information, visit

About the author

Stephanie Mann is the founder and CEO of Safe Kids Now. Mann has been working
since the early 1970s to promote the safety of neighborhoods and to keep the country’s youth
out of harm’s way. Dealing with abuse in her own childhood, Mann has made it her life mission
to keep children safe and promote healthy communication in homes and neighborhoods. Mann
and her team at Safe Kids Now are constantly working to educate youth and parents on the
importance of recognizing abusive situations at home and on the streets and promoting safety in

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