woman lying next to flowers with sexy hair

Get Sexy Hair Using Natural DIY Hair Masks


Short or long, curly or straight, everyone wants sexy hair that is shiny, lustrous and healthy. But the sad truth is, that only some women are blessed with hair like that. Pollution, bad eating habits and the continuous use of chemicals on our hair adversely affects the hair, and it becomes dry, brittle and damaged. One of the telltale signs of damaged hair is that hair falls out in clumps and it is truly a nightmare when that happens, so to avoid that and to grow hair faster naturally, one can get some good and natural hair care products. However, given below are some tried and tested home hair mask recipes for dry damaged hair.
Hair Mask Recipes for Dry Hair
Recipe 1 Ingredients
• Egg yolk, 1
• Milk, 1 cup
• Rose water, ½ tbsp Beat the egg yolk until light and fluffy, and then add milk and beat again. To this, add rose water and stir thoroughly.
Apply the mix generously to the entire hair, concentrating on the hair ends. Allow the mask to dry for 20 minutes and then rinse hair thoroughly. This is one of the easiest hair mask recipes for dry damaged hair.
Recipe 2 Ingredients
• Acacia honey, 2 tbsp
• Almond oil, 1 tbsp
• Apple cider vinegar Mix all ingredients in a small bowl.
Apply this mix to your hair roots, and using a wide toothed comb, distribute it along the length and along the hair ends. Leave the mask on for an hour and rinse your hair as usual.
All the ingredients used in this recipe have nourishing and moisturizing qualities, that will not only condition your hair but will also add shine and bounce to it, thus, making this one of the best natural hair mask recipes.
Hair Mask Recipes for Damaged Hair
Recipe 1 Ingredients
• Ripe banana, ½ cup
• Ripe avocado, ¼ cup
• Fresh yogurt, 1 tbsp
• Wheat germ oil, 1 tbsp
• Vitamin E, 1 capsule
Mash banana and avocado together in a small bowl. Add wheat germ oil, yogurt, and squeeze vitamin E capsule into the fruit mix. Vitamin E will ensure extra conditioning for your hair.
Apply the hair mask and leave it for half an hour. Rinse as usual.
Recipe 2 Ingredients
• Ripe banana, ½ cup
• Almond oil, ½ tsp Mash the banana and add the almond oil to it.
Mix well and massage into scalp. Leave the mix on for 20 minutes and then wash it off.
Almond oil is very therapeutic in its use for damaged hair
Hair Mask Recipes for Frizzy Hair
Recipe 1 Ingredients
• Banana, ½ cup
• Cantaloupe, ¼ cup
• Avocado, ¼ cup
• Wheat germ oil, 1 tbsp
• Yogurt, 1 tbsp
This is actually a smoothie that can provide your hair with excellent results. In a blender, blend all ingredients, until smooth.
Squeeze some contents of a vitamin E capsule and mix it in the smoothie.
Massage it into the hair, leave it on for 15 minutes and then shampoo as usual. This is one of the most effective hair mask recipes for dry damaged hair.
Recipe 2 Ingredients
• Fresh coconut cream, 1 cup
• Clean hand towel
If you have difficulty in finding fresh coconut cream, then buy frozen one, soften it completely and massage into hair. Steam the towel, squeeze out all water and wrap your head in it for an hour. Wash it out after an hour.
Olive Oil Hair Mask Recipe
Recipe 1 Ingredients
• Eggs, 2
• Olive oil, 5 tbsp
Beat the eggs until light and fluffy, add olive oil to it. Massage this mix into hair thoroughly. Cover head with a shower cap. Leave for half an hour and rinse as usual. The egg and olive oil will deeply condition your hair. Read more on olive oil for hair.
Recipe 2 Ingredients
• Honey, 2 tbsp
• Olive oil, 3 tbsp
Mix the two ingredients in a small bowl and massage into hair and scalp. Put on a shower cap, leave it for 30 minutes and then shampoo as usual. Both honey and olive oil have moisturizing properties and will add a natural gloss to your hair. Information can be found at : Buzzle

To get more information on other natural and holistic healing methods, supplements and doctors, please visit http://www.cloudninehealth.com and www.holistichealersdirectory.com.

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