Zen Den Holistic Wellness


Today, many yoga studios offer free or reduced-rate classes to their
patrons, but Zen Den Holistic Wellness has taken the next step by creating
a community built on the nonprofit model. This two-year-old company has
already started to influence the yoga world with its packed classes in
Burlington, VT (and soon to be Tampa, FL) to retreats in Puerto Rico &
Costa Rica.

Zen Den Holistic Wellness is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization who’s mission is to support and
empower people to live a sustainable lifestyle through yoga and wellness practices. They provide
guidance and education on nutrition, soul searching, yoga, and much more, spanning the physical,
mental, and emotional parts of health. The organization was founded in 2013 by Rose Bryant, a
Holistic Health Practitioner and 500-hour Certified Yoga Instructor. Her specializations include
Ayurveda, food as medicine nutrition, juicing and detoxification, meditation, and Reiki. A team of
remarkable specialists including Naturopathic Physicians also supports her.

While Rose plans to build a structural home for Zen Den in the future, they are currently utilizing
international locations to carry out their mission. They currently have two retreats planned, one for
October 23rd – 28th, 2015 in Mae Win, Thailand, and another for January 5th – 10th, 2016 in El
Castillo, Costa Rica.

Rose’s clients leave with a new outlook on life and skills to help them with their goals at home. A
recent client said: “I had an amazing time on the retreat Puerto Rico. I especially liked the chakra
opening yoga class and the hike through the rain forest to the waterfall. Rose is a compassionate and
knowledgeable teacher. I can’t wait to do another retreat with her!” – Melissa Cairns, CYT

These eco-lodge retreats come with farm-to-table meals to picturesque accommodations, and at rates
ranging from $500 – $1100, is an affordable option for the true yogi who wishes to support an
influential nonprofit.

For more information visit our website at www.zendenholisticwellness.org.

"I am that I am. The universe exists within me, as much as I exist in the universe. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Namaste." - Rose Bryant RYT500
“I am that I am. The
universe exists within
me, as much as I exist
in the universe. We
are not human beings
having a spiritual
experience, we are
spiritual beings
having a human
– Rose Bryant RYT500

For press inquiries, please contact Elizabeth Crone at [email protected] or 646-330-2252

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