Quantum Consciousness Conference in Sedona, AZ November 6-8 2015


By: Trina Becksted, publisher

We live in a time where energy medicine is at the forefront of many health providers and practitioners’ minds. Given the facts that our bodies are electrical it stands to reason we would respond well to positively charging our energy bodies with proper frequencies to ward off disease, prolong aging and reverse it. With nearly two-thirds of Americans tethered to handheld devices for 10 or more hours each day along with exposure from other EMF omitting equipment like microwaves, HD TV’s and computers, we need to reboot ourselves to maintain maximum moods, performance sleep patterns and more. Quantum Life has download app solutions where you can turn your cell phone into a self-healing device. Using their app “health on the go” you can.</p>

According to Karen Williams MSS, DNM, LCPH, HMA, Founder and CEO of Quantum Life “We wanted to create a tool where people can be co-creative with their innate energetic healing source where all the innate ability to heal resides. Our products are healing tools that correctly read imbalances in the body and properly provide alignment.

Karen and her Quantum Life Team will be hosting a Quantum Consciousness conference November 6th-8th, 2015 in Sedona, AZ. This conference “will empower you to fine tune your health and wellness because we are in a constant state of aligning and tuning.”

Karen is a licensed homeopath and holistic health care practitioner. She is passionate about the benefits of complementary and alternative medicine and is dedicated to creating more ‘health’ in the world.

During her studies in the UK as a homeopath, she began working with Bioenergetic Technology in 1994 after witnessing the fantastic benefits that this technology offers. She brings 13 years in business, 9 years as a successful entrepreneur, to her commitment and belief in giving people more effective healthcare choices. Quantum-Life continuously searches for innovative technologies that can maximize the benefits of energetic medicine.

“We provide our clients with information and access to the best, state-of-the-art equipment and software for use in their complementary health practices.” –Karen Williams, Founder of Quantum-Life

The event takes place at the Sedona Creative Life Center: 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, Arizona 86336 on Friday November 6- Sunday November 8 this year. Admission is $195 for individuals $295 for couples for early birds till 10/23/15. Attendees will be able to meet quantum energy practitioners who will advise them on self- healing to balance their health and well-being.

For more information visit Quantum-life.com. The company is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA. Call for more information and to register at: 877-711-3233

Karen Williams- Founder and CEO of Quantum Life

Mandala artwork provided by: Keith Allen Kay

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