Get ready for Summer with the Fighter Diet!


By: Erin Laughlin


Summer is the time for bathing suits and ripped bodies. It’s almost here ladies, and that means it is time to get up and get in shape! There are so many different ways to get in shape, like cutting out carbs and dieting like crazy but, these aren’t necessarily the healthiest ways! It is pertinent to continue eating while trying to achieve the body of your dreams. Eating the proper foods like simple carbohydrates, will provide you with the energy needed to stay active. This is because it takes less energy for your body to break down simple carbs, which in turn provides your body with the energy needed to stay active. To learn more about which carbs are good for your body and which carbs are bad for your body click HERE. Summer is approaching so quickly that there seems to be no time to get lean. Training can take months and it is very easy to lose motivation and determination during that time. Especially if you aren’t seeing the results right away, you can get discouraged and miss out on that summer body you’ve always wanted. A great way to get in shape fast and stay healthy and strong is by partaking in the Fighter Diet.


The Fighter diet is not just a diet; it is a lifestyle for those who strive to stay lean all year long. This diet allows participants to gain insight on nutrition and learn how to maintain their strength and health without feeling hungry or tired. This diet was created by Biggest Loser trainer, Pauline Nordin.

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Nordin is also the creator of best selling DVD “The Butt Bible” and it remains NBC Universal’s best selling DVD ever. The Fighter Diet is an eBook guide that includes diet planning, weight training, and cardio routines that will help you surpass your goals. Nordin created this diet based off of the concept of carbs and being able to eat every night until she was full and content. On the WEBSITE there are two options available, beginner and advanced. Under both of these tabs it gives you the option to purchase the eBook. Once you receive your eBook you can get started with the workout regime!


The Fighter Diet is a 12 week challenge that has 3 different workout regimes. The first is called “Defat America 2”. This is for those ladies who are trying to lose 40-100 pounds. Defat America 2 is a training and nutrition program that ensures you will lose fat and gain muscle during the process. The next regime is called “Summer Shred”. This is perfect for those ladies out there who want to be in shape for the summer. This regime will help you get buff, toned, and lean. It includes an exclusive live video and simple workouts that are perfect for both the gym and at home. The last and the most difficult workout regime is called the “Military Challenge”.  This is for those ladies who really want to push themselves. This is the perfect challenge for those ladies who have accomplished a challenge previously or if they know their way around the gym.


If you are looking to get in shape in time for summer and in a healthy manner, try the Fighter Diet. This diet will keep you on your toes and help you get and stay motivated! The Fighter Diet is a good way to test your limits and challenge yourself. Checkout the website HERE if you are interested in signing up. Summer is almost here and you still have time to get the perfect beach body with the Fighter Diet!


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