Announcing Right to Refuse Victories in Twelve States!



From our Publisher Trina Becksted:

This just came across our desk last week. We wanted to share it with you as it represents different views from what you might see in mainstream media. It is supplied to us by National Health Freedom Action. This content may not necessarily represent all of our views, however we felt the need to share it nonetheless.


Announcing Right to Refuse Victories in Twelve States!

Join us in celebrating new Right to Refuse laws passed in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio and Utah. These new state statutes contribute to the protection of an individual’s right to refuse unwanted medical interventions!
In 2020, the government’s response to the pandemic shined a bright light on the need for health freedom protections. Right to Refuse legislation was introduced in many states to address infringements on health freedom and each bill was unique to that state or legislative concern. Right to refuse legislation is diverse and may include the right to decline government and corporate recommended health measures and treatments including testing, tracking, medical treatments, immunizations, and other recommended countermeasures.

See the following descriptions and links to the new laws, information on the groups that worked to move these bills forward, and how you can get involved to pass Right to Refuse legislation in your state!

Alabama SB267 House Substitute – This new law will prohibit the issuance of vaccine passports by government entities; prohibit government entities from requiring an individual to receive an immunization as a condition for government benefits or services, with exceptions; and prohibit businesses from refusing service to an individual based on that individual’s immunization status.

Alaska Senate Resolution 2 – This resolution ensures that an individual or a parent or guardian of a minor child may object to the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine based on religious, medical, or other grounds, and that a person may not require an individual to provide justification or documentation to support the individual’s decision to decline a COVID-19 vaccine or to decline a COVID-19 vaccine for a minor child.
Alaska HB 76 – This new law ensures that an individual may object to the administration of a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine based on religious, medical, or other grounds, a parent or guardian of a minor child may object to the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine to the minor child based on religious, medical, or other grounds and a person may not require an individual to provide justification or documentation to support the individual’s decision to decline a COVID-19 vaccine or to decline a COVID-19 vaccine for a minor child.

Arkansas HB 1547 – This is an Act to prohibit mandatory coronavirus 2019 (covid 19) immunizations or vaccinations for students and employees and to prohibit a requirement for a vaccination or immunization for coronavirus 2019 (covid-19) except in certain conditions.
Arkansas SB 615 – This new law is a prohibition on vaccine passports being used by the state. The law states that the state, a state agency or entity, a political subdivision of the state, or a state or local official shall not require an individual to use a vaccine passport in the state for any purpose and the use of a vaccine passport shall not be a condition for entry, travel, education, or services.

Florida SB 2006 – Prohibits a business entity from requiring patrons or customers to provide documentation certifying vaccination against or recovery from COVID-19. It also prohibits governmental entities from requiring persons to provide documentation certifying vaccination against or recovery from COVID-19 and prohibits educational institutions from requiring students or residents to provide documentation certifying vaccination against or recovery from COVID 19.
Florida State group: Florida’s American Freedom Information Institute (AFII) is working at the capitol to protect Floridians’ right to make their own health care decisions and their right to refuse measures that do not have their consent. AFII informs us that SB2006 did not go far enough in its protections, and that the new law “exempted medical facilities and providers and only covers businesses with respect to “customers” and “patrons”. Employees were not given any protections. It appears employers may be able to choose to require their employees to be injected.” Thank you, AFII, for your great work in Florida!

Indiana HB 1285 – The new law will prohibit the bureau from requesting information regarding an individual’s vaccination status or proof of immunity when an individual applies for a credential. The bureau shall not be able to collect, keep in a data base, place an indication on a credential, or share information regarding an individual’s vaccination status or proof of immunity. The law also prohibits the bureau from connecting any bureau data base with any data base that tracks an individual’s vaccination status or proof of immunity. “Credential” means forms of documentation in physical form issued by the bureau under IC 9-24: (A) A driver’s license. (B) A learner’s permit. (C) An identification card. (D) A photo exempt identification card.
Indiana HB 1405 – This law states that a state or a local unit may not issue or require an immunization passport. An “immunization passport” means written, electronic, or printed information regarding an individual’s immunization status
Indiana State group: Indiana’s Hoosiers for Medical Liberty has worked hard during session at the capitol to protect the right to make health care decisions and the right to refuse measures that do not have a person’s consent. Thank you, Hoosiers!

Iowa HF 889 – This new Iowa law prohibits a business or governmental entity from requiring a customer, patron, client, patient, or other person who is invited onto the premises of the business or governmental entity to furnish proof of having received a vaccination for COVID- 19, prior to entering onto the premises of the business or governmental entity. The law does not prohibit a business or governmental entity from implementing a COVID-19 screening protocol that does not require proof of vaccination for COVID-19.
Iowa HF 847 – HF 847 was amended to include a section on facial coverings to ensure that facial coverings shall not be required by the board of directors of a school district, the superintendent or chief administering officer of a school or school district, and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school, and shall also not be required by counties, or cities.

Kentucky SB 8 – Provides exemptions from mandatory immunization for any child, emancipated minor, or adult who, personally or by a parent or guardian, submits a written sworn statement objecting to the immunization based on conscientiously held beliefs. It also prohibits any administrative regulation, administrative order, or executive order from requiring during an epidemic the immunization of persons who submit either a written sworn statement objecting to the immunization based on conscientiously held beliefs or the written opinion of the person’s physician that such immunization would be injurious to the person’s health.
Kentucky State group: Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition is a citizen group working with legislators at the capitol in Kentucky to protect the right to freely make medical decisions for themselves and their families. Thank you for all your hard work KMFC!

Louisiana House Resolution 20 – This resolution authorizes and directs each licensed day care center, kindergarten, elementary or secondary school, college, university, proprietary school, or vocational school that requires a vaccine for COVID-19 to fully inform each student or parent or legal guardian of a student that the COVID-19 vaccine is for emergency use only pursuant to an Emergency Use Authorization, is experimental, and has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and that he or she has a right to refuse the vaccination for reasons of health, religion, or conscience.

Montana HB 702 – Makes it an unlawful discriminatory practice for (a) a person or a governmental entity to refuse, withhold from, or deny to a person any local or state services, goods, facilities, advantages, privileges, licensing, educational opportunities, health care access, or employment opportunities based on the person’s vaccination status or whether the person has an immunity passport; or (b) an employer to refuse employment to a person, to bar a person from employment, or to discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment based on the person’s vaccination status or whether the person has an immunity passport; or (c) a public accommodation to exclude, limit, segregate, refuse to serve, or otherwise discriminate against a person based on the person’s vaccination status or whether the person has an immunity passport.

North Dakota
North Dakota Senate Concurrent Resolution 4016 – This concurrent resolution urges Congress to refrain from issuing a vaccine passport and from enacting any law that would restrict an individual’s right to travel or participate in commerce, religious freedom, and education based on whether the individual has received a COVID-19 vaccine.

SB 22/HB 90 – This new law restructures pathways of authority during emergencies and establishes legislative oversight of the Governor’s executive orders and public health orders. For example, one section states that: “If the department of health issues a special or standing order or rule for preventing the spread of contagious or infectious disease under section 3701.13 of the Revised Code, the general assembly may rescind that special or standing order or rule, in whole or in part, by adopting a concurrent resolution.”
Ohio State group: Health Freedom Ohio is one of a number of citizen groups in Ohio working with legislators to protect the right of people to make their own medical decisions. We look forward to being in touch these organizations as they work to pass a number of great bills that have been introduced and are listed on our website for the state of Ohio. Thank you to Ohioans for your amazing work.

Utah HB 233 – This new law will now prohibit the Utah Board of Higher Education and institutions within the higher education system from requiring proof of vaccination unless certain vaccination exemptions are available; and will prohibit higher education institutions and local education agencies that offer both remote and in-person learning from requiring a vaccine-exempt student to participate remotely rather than in-person.
Utah HB 308 – This new Utah law will prohibit a governmental entity from requiring that an individual receive a vaccine for COVID-19 with some exceptions and provides a sunset date.
Utah State groups: Health Independence Alliance and are two citizen organizations in Utah working closely with each other to protect the health rights of people. mission is to “Educate and empower parents and individuals to make informed health decisions. And educate and assist policy makers in formulating sound health policy, rules, and law. Thank you, Utah, for your great work!

National Legislative Right to Refuse Campaign
The Right to Refuse National Campaign has been launched to help state organizations and grassroots advocates connect with each other for the purpose of passing state laws that would protect the rights of individuals to make their own health decisions. is a special website to inform citizens of legislation being introduced and passed and the groups working at their state capitols that need your support.
Right to Refuse leaders are here to help state organizations and leaders navigate the legislative process and moving proactive bills forward. They can do this by hosting bi-weekly zoom calls for state leaders, helping to draft language, supporting advocacy through resources, and connecting local people to their state organizations.
Check out

If your state does not already have a right to refuse campaign and you have a committed group of individuals wanting to change the laws in your state, please reach out to us via email to set up an exploratory conversation.

Now more than ever it is important that we use the tools that are available to us as Americans.
Your donation makes a huge difference in our ability to educate, foster
and mobilize with people like you in states across the country.
Together we can create the laws “we wish to see in the world”.
Laws that protect our rights to make choices about our own health and the health of our children.

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