Prevent Aging Skin with Stem Cells From Apples


Fun Fact: Why are yams used in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

According to Genesis Pharmacy Services, Bioidentical hormones are derived from yams and soy. The chemical structures of these hormones are identical to those produced by the human body, thus the term “Bioidentical”.

By Olga Levina

Stem cells are mother cells that have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. More recently, we have discovered that there are two types of stem cells in the skin, one in the epidermis, and another one in the dermis.

More than a dozen independent medical studies have shown that 4 natural plant stem cells can stimulate and regenerate the stem cells of our skin. These stem cells are taken from apples, grapes, rhododendrons and argan trees, which are present in the world of medical cosmetics.

When we are 20 years old we have 8% of stem cells in our skin. At the age of 60 years, that number is reduced to 3%. This is our only cell factory, which means that the reduction in stem cells entails a reduction in the regenerative capacity of the skin.

Anti-aging medicine has found a whole new dimension. For the first time, scientists can solve the problem of aging skin.

Today, apples are cultivated primarily to enhance their appearance and flavor. But before the rise of refrigeration, an apple’s ability to stay fresh for a long time was its most sought-after characteristic.

For this reason, a special variety of apples were cultivated in the middle of the 18th century. These apples could be stored for a greatly extended period of time. In essence, it was the genetically modified, longer-living stem cells of this tannin-rich variety of apple, called the Uttwiler Spätlauber apple, that were responsible for its unique storage longevity.

In a certain isolated area of rural Switzerland, a few of these hardy apple trees still survive today. Scientists obtained an explant from the leaf of one of these trees to produce a special anti-aging stem cell extract.

Is there a risk in the use of stem cells as skin care?

The only risk – allergic reactions if you are hypersensitive to four plants: apple, grape, rhododendron, or argan. However, these plants cause allergic reactions in very rare cases.

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