Cuisines that’ll Spice up Your Next Vacation


What better way to enjoy a fun vacation than to learn more about that country’s cuisine? We are sharing information by Darmstadt from Green Pearls because we want our readers to be informed about the many different kinds of cuisines around the world and indulging in something new. – the HHN Team

Food is something that can remind us of our family, friends, and loved ones. The way mom bakes her homemade cookies for the guests or how the spices bring us back to the small restaurant in Thailand. While traveling abroad, it is an excellent opportunity to indulge in the culinary courses that are offered there. This can broaden your cultural knowledge about the country as well as enjoy some tasty food. Here are some locations to consider visiting whenever you are planning your next trip.

Allgäu Mountains: Ayurvedic cooking for individual well-being

The Hubertus Mountain Refugio Allgäu in Balderschwang invites all cooking fans to weekly cooking classes with Food-Coach and Ayurveda Chef Gabriel Simon-Pinero. As a child, Gabriel traveled the world – Latin America, North Africa, Spain, Italy and the South of France. From each region he brought back culinary knowledge and experience. For the Mexican native, nutrition is a wonderful way to do something for body and soul! With great passion and enthusiasm, he teaches guests about Ayurvedic cuisine and the power of spices and herbs. Each course has a different theme, such as spice lore, sauces of the world or coffee making.

Get to know the cuisine and culture of the Maldives

At the Gili Lankanfushi in the Maldives, guests can learn how to prepare a traditional Maldivian fish curry or tempura and sushi. While the kitchen team of the eco-luxury resort takes care of the basic preparations in advance, the course participants receive lessons from top professionals during the Gili cooking events and learn everything they need to know about the ingredients used and preparation methods. Then they stir, mix and cook together! And at the end, a delicious meal is enjoyed. Cooking in Gili is a colorful event with exotic fruits and herbs, exciting scents and impressive craftsmanship. 

Ancient wheat, sourdough and traditions – the fine art of baking bread

High-quality ingredients, centuries-old preparation methods and regional specialities can make bread something very unique and special. In times of automated quick-bake machines and bakery chains, unfortunately these qualities are very often pushed into the background. Fortunately, traditional bread baking has been kept alive, especially in the countryside. 

At the Naturhotel Outside, Chef Sepp personally shows guests how to prepare aromatic, home-baked bread. The secret of the old family recipe: ancient wheat from East Tyrol. This is rolled, seasoned and kneaded, just as the Ganzer family has been doing for generations. As a “treat”, the participants of the baking course each take home two loaves of the freshly baked fragrant bread!

Cooking course in Thailand: The right choice of ingredients and a little something ‘extra’

Thai cuisine is known for its use of fragrant herbs and spices. The art of creating culinary delights through the careful blend of ingredients is mastered to perfection by the chefs at Tongsai Bay. A cooking workshop at the resort usually starts with a visit to the hotel’s garden. Here, the cooking professionals explain the various uses of fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices and show which ingredients can be freshly harvested for the upcoming cooking session. Back in the kitchen, participants learn how to make their own curry paste. The chef himself guides guests step by step through the preparation of a 4-course meal, including a curry – using the curry paste they just made themselves. The most important thing that the Thai cooking professionals teach their students: The perfect ratio of spices, salt, acid and sweet. Once everything is ready, it’s time to enjoy! 

If you would like to learn more about the different types of cuisines you can check out our other articles here at HolisticHealingNews!

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