New Year’s Resolutions & Why They’re Not Kept



“We, at our parent company, CloudNine Marketing, Inc. had the pleasure of representing Dr. Demartini for over 10 years.  He never ceased to amaze us with his wit, original thoughts and effective heart-based methods for emotional and spiritual healing.

I attended many of his trademarked “Breakthrough Experience” courses.  They were THE most powerful transformative workshops I have ever attended.  I’ve been representing NY Times best selling authors in personal growth for decades, thus my zeal and praise for Dr. John Demartini!

Read on for some fascinating, (mind and heart opening) insight into your own psyche.  Get unstuck and focused on truly manifesting your heart’s desire.
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Happy healthy New year!”

From our publisher,
 Trina Becksted


Come January 1st of every year, we all begin to lay out resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. These goals often include leading a healthier lifestyle, traveling more and doing more of the things we love most. Although almost anything is achievable with true determination, New Year’s Resolutions tend to flop by the end of the year.

Importance of Core Values

Have you found yourself not pursuing your New Year’s Resolutions each year? Well according to Dr. John Demartini, a polymath, world-renowned human behavior expert and intelligent author, chances are these News Year’s Resolutions are not aligning with your core values.

Our core values are things that give us energy, things we prioritize our time for, and most importantly things that align with our true selves and beliefs.

Voids in our Lives

Some of the most important things in our lives are often times those that are missing. These things will then move their way up on our scale of values. Dr. Demartini states that “the more important a value is; the higher it will be on your hierarchy of values and the more discipline and order you will have around it”. When something is missing within our lives, we tend to focus on them and aim to obtain it, which then makes for an achievable New Year’s Resolution.

Tips For Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

So, you may ask, how do I keep my New Year’s Resolutions and have a successful upcoming year? Dr. Demartini gives four tips to keeping your New Year’s Resolutions. The tips include:

  1. Determining what goals worked and did not work in previous years – become clear with what goals did not align with your values
  2. Seeing how your new resolutions will serve you – focus on your “why’s” and your “how’s” of your resolutions
  3. Building momentum – achieving one goal will give momentum to achieve the rest
  4. Avoiding falling back into old habits – new productive actions will eliminate old and unsuccessful habits

By taking these steps and channeling your inner core values, your New Year’s Resolutions will be much more obtainable and your upcoming year will be a success.

For more information on Dr. Demartini’s seminars and articles, visit

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