Cool It! Your Body That Is, With These Hydrating Drinks


Looking for a unique way to satisfy your thirst? Look no further! This guide is here to provoke your taste buds with a delightful array of beverages that will not only keep you hydrated, but also promote your overall health and well-being throughout the scorching summer!

Homemade Ice Tea

Ice tea is a classic summer drink. You can add a variety of fresh herbs, lemon, and even a touch of raw honey (for those with a sweet tooth!) Why homemade? Most store-bought counterparts have high levels of sugar and may contain artificial ingredients.

Peppermint Ice Tea

Steep peppermint tea in water for 30 minutes (two tea bags per liter of water).
Add one tablespoon of honey per liter, add lemon slices, and chill.

Tezahn Herbal Cold Infusions

Another great option for hydration is Tezahn herbal cold infusions. The infusions contain a variety of organic herbs and spices proven to naturally boost the immune system. The small package is convenient for on-the-go hydration on particularly hot summer days. Each variety adds another dimension of flavor to your water and provides a variety of wellness properties. It’s motivation to up your daily water intake! 

Fresh Juice

Nothing compares to fresh-squeezed orange or grapefruit juice. Fresh fruit juices are full of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. They provide instant energy to our cells and improve bodily function. You can easily hand juice if you don’t have a juicing machine.

Coconut Water

This drink is an amazing way to replenish lost electrolytes from sweating during a warm summer day.  Coconut water is perfect after a long day on the beach, a scenic hike, or a morning run. Young green coconut water contains more potassium and fewer calories than regular sports drinks! It’s the premium natural option without dyes or other added ingredients. Coconut water takes dual-action by replenishing essential minerals and antioxidants, also hydrating your body.

Water with Fruit & Herbs

There is nothing better than water with some fun add-ins like berries, citrus, cucumbers, and fresh herbs (We like mint!). Lemons have an alkalizing effect on the body; mint is a natural stimulant; berries contribute antioxidants, and cucumbers’ vitamin B content contributes to stress relief.

We recommend using Tezahn herbal cold infusions in your water! The infusions contain a variety of herbs and spices proven to boost the immune system. The small package is convenient and hassle-free. Each packs a punch and adds another dimension to your water. It’s motivation to up your daily water intake! 

For more cooling information see:

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