Manifest the Spirit of Soul Beauty to Your Surroundings


By: Mariko Yamamoto

Our Souls carry a longing for Beauty…in the land, art, gardens, word, song, kinship, connections…
In these modern times, beauty has been associated with glamour and romanticism. But often, glamour is fickle and fleeting. Beauty is something so ancient and belongs to the eternal mystery within us.

It brings to us the experience of wholeness and holiness. It not only meets the needs of the Soul, Beauty is the Soul…No wonder Beauty brings to us the experience of coming “Home.”
During times of uncertainty, weariness and constant changes, Beauty can ease and embrace our hearts and bring a trust in the future. Beauty is a gift of Grace. Invoke, Retrieve and Awaken to Beauty…

Give your space a Beauty “makeover.”
As everything, including our environments, carries living light vibrations, clean and clear your home and work space to experience it’s sparkle and shining essence.
Perform a blessing. Don’t feel you need to carry out an extensive or elaborate ceremony. Consecrate your space with LOVE. Connect with your Higher Self and the Devas of the land and home. Share sincere love and appreciation. Call upon Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty. Ask Her for guidance on what may enhance the Spirit of Beauty in your home and in the world.

When we surround ourselves with Beauty, we are not only uplifted, Beauty carries positive healing impulses to our subconscious, bringing a natural coherence to all of our body systems and raises our frequencies to vibrate to well being. Beauty can even transform the frequencies of non-beneficial energies which have accumulated upon the earth and bring a renewal of light to those places. Beauty inspires Spirit.

Contemplate upon, “What is Beauty?”
Place those things into your environment which align with Beauty’s true essence and feeling. Allow yourself to be in the company of that which is beautiful, both within you and around you.
Breathe in Beauty…Breathe out Beauty…

“Beauty is not in the face.
Beauty is in the heart.”
Kahlil Gibran

May you walk in Beauty…
And may Beauty’s reflection be a remembrance
of the Eternity of who you are…

In this article