face with drawings of organs placed over it Chinese Ocular Medicine

Get Healthy Eyes with Chinese Ocular Medicine


Periocular Acupuncture is a very special modality of micro-acupuncture, created in 1970 by Professor Peng Jingshan, from Liaoning College of TCM. It has been promoted and developed in the USA and other countries in the world by many of Professor Peng’s students. One of those students was Dr. Hoy Ping Yee Chan, OMD, L.Ac. from Washington State. Dr. Chan dedicated herself and practiced Chinese ocular medicine for so many years at her greater Seattle office. Her first book Window of Health, published in 1996, has helped many acupuncturists understand basic principles, diagnosis, and treatment methods of Professor Peng’s Eye Needle Therapy that can be used for stroke rehabilitation, neurological impairment, internal disorders and pain relief. Also this technique is very effective for many eye diseases such as degenerative eye dysfunctions that affect all ages.
Many asked why we have so many people, including young people that have suffered eye problems in recent years?
Many evidenced-based studies indicate that diabetes, hypertension, allergies, brain tumor, stroke, cystic fibrosis, head trauma, leukemia, thyroid disease, poor diet, inactive life style, Digital Eye Dysfunction (DED), prolonged using computer, ipad, iphome), and unnecessary medication can cause serious eye problem, such as, eye allergies, vision loss, premature cataracts, dry eye syndrome, ocular migraine, photophobia, myopia, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa (night blindness), glaucoma, macular degeneration and the worst, ocular melanoma and cardiovascular diseases.
Is Chinese Periocular Acupuncture painful? How many treatments are needed to get some improvement?
In fact, as a wonderful side benefit, most patients often feel relaxed following their treatments. While each individual condition requires alternating visiting frequencies, a typical plan consists of 6 to 10 or more treatments at weekly intervals. Most importantly there are no side effects since regular pharmaceutical drugs are not used. It also treats the underlying cause of the symptoms rather than merely masking them.

In this digital age, this treatment approach effectively helps those with Digital Eye Dysfunction (DED) or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), providing a balanced treatment for both mental and ocular yin/yang imbalance from prolonged use of computers, playing online games, cell phone texting and watching TV. CPA is also recognized clinically as another treatment approach for both neuromuscular and internal medicine issues because ocular manifestation occurs depending on the metastasis of each affected organ.

What is Chinese Ocular Medicine?
Chinese Ocular Medicine has five branches:
1. Ocular Inspection and Diagnosis (OID)
2. Chinese Periocular Acupuncture (CPA)
3. Chinese Periocular Tuina (CPT)
4. Chinese Ocular Herbal Medicine ( COHM)
5. Chinese Ocular Diet and Exercise( CODE)

1. Ocular Inspection and Diagnosis (OID) is to observe eye’s pathological variances in the capillary branches of the bulbar conjunctiva where 8 Chinese ocular Zhang-Fu (organs) zones are located in both right and left eyes. From ocular inspection, practitioners are able to determine the imbalance of ocular yin and yang and differentiate pathological change of organs.
2. Chinese Periocular Acupuncture (CPA)is to insert very fine needles subcutaneously into ocuzones around the ocular outer orbit space. Discomfort is very minimal and many patients do not even feel it. In many cases, needles are retained for 15-20 minutes. The primary purpose of CPA to adjust ocular ying and yang, open obstructed meridians and promote ocular qi and ocular blood flow, thus reducing ocular pressure, removing ocular inner and outer obstruction, and promoting balance and well-being.
3. Chinese Periocular Tuina ( CPT) is to apply 10 different hand manipulations around the eye orbit, face and scalp areas where meridians connect to the eye. Normally, 10 minutes is required to stimulate completely on ocuzones and traditional eye acupoints. The primary task of CPT is to open up the meridians and unblock the stagnation of ocular qi and blood while soothing ocular muscles and improving the inner and outer ocular blood circulation.
4. Chinese Ocular Herbal Medicine ( COHM) is prescribed for each patient according to one’s particular condition.
5. Chinese Ocular Diet and Exercise ( CODE) is must for every individual who desire to take steps to protect one’s eyes from any harmful environmental pollution, unhealthy food and drinking consummation and daily prolonged visional routine.
The treatments, making up five steps, team up to take actions to promote normal and natural healing process and therefore speed up the healing and recovery process.

Many patients ranging from 12 to 85 years old have received periocular acupuncture treatments and have shown positive outcomes from this method. Some patients have even experienced restored vision and maintained eye wellbeing for a long period of time without any reduction of their eyesight through the preventive use of Periocular Acupuncture and Periocular Tuina

What Chinese Medicine Says about Our Eyes:
• The eye is the Window of Health
• The eye is the Window of the Heart and Soul
• The eye functions as the Window of Body Clock
• The eyes connect to all meridians
• The eye is a part of the central nervous system (Brain and Spinal cord)
• The eye is closely linked to and communicating with the liver
• The eye indicates the balance between the liver (Wood) and the heart (Fire)
• The eye is the thermostat of the blood
• The eye is the director of every aspect of life
• The eye is closely related to our inner consciousness
• The eyes represent the oracles of a variety of systemic conditions

How many types of eyes do we have?
1. Angry eyes – Liver eye
2. Unhappy eyes – Heart eye
3. Worry eyes – Spleen eye
4. Grief eyes – Lung eye
5. Fear eyes – Kidney eye
If you desire to have a pair of happy eyes, Chinese Ocular Medicine can help you.
Anthem, AZ Chinese medical practitioner Y.M Chen, Ph.D, L.Ac., founder of The Chinese Health Center is focusing on Chinese ocular/eye medicine and getting great results for his patients. He is also a co-author of “Chinese Ocular Diagnosis and Periocular Acupuncture”.
For more information visit http://www.chinesehealthways.com or call
Phone: 623-551-3773. They are located at 42104 N. Venture Drive, Suite D105 Anthem, AZ 85086


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