Introduction To A New Reality


Transition Talks is pleased to host one of the global pioneers who is redefining the underlying science related to agriculture, pharmaceutical, health, longevity and consciousness, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys. In addition to fathering extraordinary breakthroughs in the above areas, he is also a regular member of the Kryon team and travels internationally to major Kryon events with Lee Carroll, who has come to Berkeley Springs on three occasions.

Come and be part of a day-long intensive experience that will help you build a new platform for making sense of the unprecedented shift that is taking place around us and shaping the emergence of a new world. You’ll be taken, step-by-step through some of the most exciting research being done on the planet today – and learn how this profound new knowledge can help you live a better healthier life now . . . and live longer as well.

A new, multidimensional science is emerging that understands energy – in many forms – as being the building blocks for everything we experience. The process of shaping that energy, whether with light or sound, can have profound implications on how you feel, the state of your health, how long you live . . . and how the world around you responds.

This seven-hour experience will walk you out to the edge of where a new world is converging – and allow you to experience amazing new breakthroughs that will define how the new human and the new world will operate. This introduction (with experiential examples) will demonstrate how it will be possible to collectively co-create and step into a new world.

You’ll learn from the explanations and experience the innovations of the quantum information laser, biological decoding and the power of harmonic tones.

Dr. Todd is a leading proponent of using specialized lasers, which he co-developed, using this laser platform for improving agricultural yields and nutrient density to feed the world with better food and increasing health and physical well-being. The results are profound and immediately call into question traditional concepts that have been the core of our understanding of how biology works.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys has recently received a granted US patent for the repair of damaged heart tissue. This laser treated nutrient formulation regenerates active myocardial tissue and can reverse the injury of a heart attack in as little as 30 days.

Another recent US patent is for the creation of a high energy form of Aspirin. No other lab on earth has produced a stable form of Aspirin with such high free energy. The practical implication of this discovery is that much smaller doses of Aspirin will give faster relief with fewer or no side effects.

He and his colleague Scott Strachan have also applied their technology platform to cholesterol lowering drugs. With a granted US patent and global patents pending, they have created high free energy forms of all the major statin drugs. They have also created two new forms of Zetia, the compound that inhibits absorption of cholesterol. The patent presents 20 new chemical entities that are either high free energy (or other novel) forms of these compounds, either alone or in combination with each other, or within a matrix of high free energy aspirin. Only now available through their lab, the high free energy aspirin can exceed statin solubility by over 100-fold. The statin-aspirin and statin-aspirin-Zetia combinations are expected to allow lower doses and more effective and desirable clinical action. When combined with a suitable regimen of Coenzyme Q10, the side effects of the statins will be predictably mitigated and the therapeutic benefits enhanced.

Another body of the work is the relief of the HIV epidemic in Africa. For the past several years, his research group has been providing health enhancing laser activated formulas for programs in South and East Africa. These protocols include exotic rainforest botanicals that strengthen the immune system for wide variety of viral, tubercular and parasitic pathogens. Immune recovery and improved quality of life have been significant.

The fundamental driver of these discoveries and developments is the Qi Laser Technology created in collaboration with Scott Strachan. This converts an ordinary laser to a string of impulses that are as rapid as sub-femtosecond. A femtosecond is millionth of a nanosecond, and a nanosecond is a billionth of a second.

As molecules rotate and vibrate at speeds on the order of 10 femtoseconds, the Qi Laser reaches rates that can match and entrain the highest molecular vibration states. Qi Laser Technology thus allows targeted resonance of single bonds or groups of bonds to change the shape, structure, and function of molecules in ways that have not been previously possible. The potential for applications in health wellness, and materials science are very broad.

A particularly great area of interest is in rejuvenation technologies. Active areas of research include telomere biology, DNA methylation, and stem cell applications which are the present leading candidates for profound biological regeneration. Results already verify methods that can markedly reverse biomarkers of aging; users of these protocols can look, feel, and function more youthfully within a few months of applications.

11 distinct formulations have been subjected to controlled clinical trials, all of which have shown multiple statistically significant benefits in the treated persons. Benefits have ranged from general health to enhanced structure and function of specific bodily systems. 2 of these studies have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals thus far, one of which has been the subject matter of a granted US patent, and several others are candidates for publication.

Another developmental area is the use of complex sonic patterns to reduce stress and produce enhanced states of awareness. Studies of presenting these patterns to plants have shown beneficial effects on plant biology, growth, and productivity that are comparable to playing Mozart.

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Dr. Todd received his MD degree from Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Specialty training in Internal Medicine was completed at Georgetown University Hospital. He continued with an appointment in the Georgetown system as a Chief Medical Resident, overseeing educational and training programs in this role. Sub-specialty training in Pulmonary and Critical care Medicine was subsequently completed at Georgetown University Hospital. At present he is an Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Louisiana State University.

Event details:
Todd Ovokaitys, MD
Saturday, September 12th. 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Ice House Theatre – Mercer and Independence Streets, Berkeley Springs, WV
Suggested Donation $75.

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