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Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil & Omega-7


From the Publisher Trina Becksted for Holistic Healing News:

This little bottle of Seabuck Oil seemed small but is very mighty. I held it up to the light and thought I would add some drops to my water and sample it this way. So I drank it down. The flavor was pleasant enough, however the red oil residue made it challenging (if not impossible) to remove from my drinking glass.

Then I read where it could be applied directly to the skin, so I thought I would try it topically. It created a red tinge on my skin that I hoped would fade quickly. It took about half an hour to fade into my legs. The years of sun tanning, scuba diving and sitting on boat decks in direct sun (with salt water destroying my skin) was starting to show on my legs. My skin was losing its collagen and elasticity. To my surprise, after just 1 application, my skin was noticeably more supple. So gratefully I am recommending this product firsthand to plump up sagging skin. This alone is a major benefit of SeabuckWonder’s Seabuck oil. Read on to learn more about this great product!

One of the newest superfoods, rich in Omega -7, is sea buckthorn It’s a superfruit that grows in Eastern Asia and can be applied externally or eaten for rich skincare and health benefits. The berries taste similar to a pineapple and the leaves of the shrub are used to make a tea.

SeabuckWonders introduced it to the US in 1994 They use pure Himalayan and hand-picked organic Sea Buckthorn berries to create the product that is commonly called “Life Oil” or “God Sent Medicine.”

The Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil fights skin issues and provides protection. The berry oil is beneficial for hair, nails and perfect for skin treatments because it contains almost every vitamin and mineral the body needs and over 190 phytonutrients. Dr. Oz calls sea buckthorn the “miracle berry” because it is the only plant containing Omega- 3, Omega- 6, Omega- 9 and Omega- 7! Omega 7 can be found in Macadamia Nuts and Anchovies but Sea Buckthorn has about two times the amount of Omega 7 in Macadamia Nuts and a lot more than anchovies. These essential fatty acids maintain brain health and can prevent or heal Alzheimer’s and dementia. Experts believe sea buckthorn oil prevents the storage of excess fat as well.

This amazing herb provides many benefits including: balanced liver fats, healthy sugar levels, healthy cholesterol levels, women’s health, vision support, dry eye, oral health, teeth and gums, skin and beauty, weight management, inflammation response, cardiovascular health, sun/uv stress, immune system response and gastrointestinal and digestive support.

The Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil is available in .45 oz. for $15.97 or 1.76 oz. for $34.97 from Seabuckthorn Wonders link

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