Family sitting and meditating

Let Yoga Be Your Medicine



There is a DIFFERENCE between a hot yoga studio and an Infrared Heated Studio.  Traditional heaters heat the body from the outside, great for sweating and fat burning…

BUT… Infrared heats the body from the INSIDE so sweating and fat burning are only part of the benefits!  Infrared causes dilation of the small blood vessels deep inside the organs, increasing circulation in the deep tissues which don’t easily get fresh blood.  When deep organ tissues are flushed with new oxygenated blood, deeper healing takes place.  Toxic substances like heavy metals, environmental toxins and chemicals are stored in these deep tissues.  The infrared heat combined with the twisting and stretching of the yoga poses allow the toxins to be released, they travel into the blood stream and are carried out of the body through the skin with the sweat or released into the gut to move out through the bowels.   The infrared heat also stimulates the immune system.  The penetrating heat creates an “artificial fever” and the body’s natural response is to increase white blood cells. White blood cells then work to kill viruses, bacteria and other harmful microbes.  So grab a towel and a mat and join us for the deepest healing and regenerating experience only available under infrared heaters.

YOGA offered at North Valley Medical Center:

FREE COMMUNITY YOGA and MEDITATION every Saturday (alternating instructors- Deby Leader/ Dr. Alexis)

9:30am Guided Meditation

10-11 am Yoga Flow (all levels welcome)


Yoga with the Doctors – Join Drs. Alexis and Jason on their lunch break for a fun and challenging Vinyasa flow class…the perfect way to unwind mid-day.


Monday: 12pm-1:15pm Vinyasa Flow (Kristie Norrell)

Tuesday: 6-7:15pmVinyasa Flow (Dr. Alexis)

Wednesday: 12pm- 1:15pm Vinyasa Flow Deby Leader)

6-7:15pm Yin/Restorative (Kristie Norrell)

Thursday:  6-7:15pm Vinyasa Flow(Dr. Alexis)

Friday: 12 pm- 1:15pm Vinyasa (Jessie Vold)

Sunday: 10-11:15am Yin/Restorative (Kristie Norrell)



Drs. Alexis and Jason McNeil started their yoga practice together 3 years ago as a way of dealing with the day to day stressors of running a business and being physicians.  Yoga transformed their hearts, lives and medical practice beyond belief.  Their vision is to offer this important piece of health to their patients and the Cave Creek community.  Our noon yoga class reminds us to SLOW DOWN, BREATHE, and continue our work day with LOVE and GRATITUDE.

Our studio is in the heart of Carefree Arizona surrounded by the serenity of natural desert and majestic mountains.  It was constructed using sustainable and non-toxic materials. The cleanest filtered water is available for no charge, and mats and meditation pillows are always free to use on a first come basis.  Instructors are all certified through Yoga Alliance and have years of experience.

Vinyasa Yoga, also known as flow yoga, connects movement and breath.  Poses flow smoothly on inhales and exhales creating a moving meditation set to music.  Flows are easily adjusted from basic to advanced depending on experience making Vinyasa Yoga perfect for all levels.

Yin/Restorative Yoga encourages us to slow down and surrender into long holds of passive poses. The deep stretch nourishes the joints, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. Yin yoga is a quiet practice suitable for all levels and is a perfect compliment to hiking, biking and other challenging practices.

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