3 Natural Ways to Prevent Wrinkles


While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, there are some preventative measures we can take to stay youthful inside and out.

There are many products and procedures out there that guarantee they can turn back the clock, but they can be expensive, dangerous, and just not healthy or sustainable in the long run. On the other hand, there are incredible methods and habits we can incorporate into our daily lives that are affordable, easy, and all natural.

Here are just 3 things you can include in your life that will make you look and feel young.

Olive Oil

While proper skincare practices help in slowing down aging, the foods we eat are also a major factor in wrinkle production.

Antioxidants are important in fighting against free radicals, or the cell-damaging chemicals that can lead to the development of cancer and other diseases. Olive oil is an antioxidant that also has anti-aging benefits as it contains compounds that increase the skin’s collagen levels.

A study has shown that people who had a diet richer in olive oil and other healthy foods like vegetables and legumes were less prone to wrinkling and sun damage than those who ate a diet heavy in meat, dairy, and butter. Another research also suggested that applying olive oil to the skin after sun exposure could help prevent and fight against cancer-causing cells.


Collagen is a protein found throughout the body that is responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity. The older we get, the less collagen our bodies can produce, and the more wrinkles and joint pain we then experience.

Taking collagen orally is a great way to prevent and manage these issues. Supplements are able to stimulate further collagen production in the body to reduce skin dryness and wrinkles. Added benefits of taking collagen also include hair and nail strengthening and prevention of joint and bone diseases.

Many people have differing opinions on when and how many times in the day you should take collagen, but the most important thing is that it is taken regularly for the best long-term results.

Satin, Silk, or Copper Oxide Pillowcases

You’d be surprised to learn that the regular cotton pillowcases that help us go to sleep at night are actually irritating our skin and contributing to premature wrinkles due to the friction caused by our skin rubbing against the rough material.

Switch your cotton pillowcases for fabrics like satin and silk, as they are slippery surfaces that cause less skin creasing as you sleep and help retain skin moisture as these materials are less drying than cotton. Copper oxide pillowcases are also becoming a popular choice as research has shown that it has antimicrobial, skin healing, and damage-preventing benefits for the skin and hair.

Final Note

While there are many modern solutions to aging that provide immediate results, they can be very unattainable and difficult to upkeep for average people everywhere. Luckily, there are easy remedies that we can find at home and in our groceries that don’t just benefit our appearance, but our health and well-being too.

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