What to Plant this Spring? We’ve Got Some Ideas…


Alleluia Spring is officially here! For all you gardeners, it’s the perfect time to start planting your fresh herbs and vegetables that are beneficial to your health and overall well being. Here are our suggestions for herbs and produce that you should include in your spring garden:


  • Oregano is beneficial for gut health, contains strong antioxidants, and is anti-inflammatory. It is great in salad dressings and used to top off soups and stews.
  • Basil contains a rich source of vitamin K which eliminates blood clotting and aids in strengthening bones. It is also an immune-booster! Use basil to make pesto or add it into salad dressings for extra flavor!
  • Rosemary increases memory and alertness, activates liver enzymes, and detoxifies the body. Rosemary is perfect for seasoning chicken and other meats and is also used to season tomato-based sauces.
  • Thyme contains a beneficial source of vitamin C, protects the fats that surround our cells, and fights fungal and bacterial infections. It seasons meat well and is used to top off soups and stews. 
  • Peas have a healthy source of fiber, balances blood sugar levels, and contains a large amount of B vitamins. Peas can be used in salads, soups, or even eaten raw with other vegetables!
  • Green Beans contain many antioxidants that positively affect bone and heart health. Green beans make for  a great side dish and can be eaten raw or steamed and seasoned.
  • Spinach is rich in nutrients like vitamin K, fiber, and potassium. It contains high levels of antioxidants that support eye health in the retina and macula. It lays a great base for salads and can even be added into fruit smoothies for people who want to add more greens into their diet!


Other herbs and vegetables that plant best in the Spring are broccoli, cauliflower, onions, arugula, chives, and sage. Experience Spring to its fullest by planting a garden with all of these healthy and tasty herbs and vegetables. If planting foods is not for you, consider adding these foods into your meals to aid in making healthy habits and support your overall well-being this Spring.


Enjoy the bounty and share these with your loved ones!

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