Natural Medicinal Remedies used in the 1800s

Medicinal Garden Kit by Nicole Apelian

From our publisher Trina Becksted :

I have been following Nicole Apelian for the past year. Her work and contributions toward natural homemade medicinals is significant and her remedies are very efficacious.

I purchased one of her “Medicinal Garden Kits” and will be planting these 10 lost herbs in spring 2024.

See to purchase one for your self or loved one !

During the Civil War, beyond the battlefield, everyday life brought its own challenges. Devoid of advanced pharmaceuticals, people relied on nature’s healing power. Natural remedies played a crucial role in alleviating hardships:

Natural Remedies & their uses:

Willow Bark: A reliable pain reliever amidst chaos, soldiers used willow bark, containing salicin, for headaches and muscle aches.

Slippery Elm: With rampant filth, the inner bark concoction eased digestive distress—gentle yet effective for diarrhea, heartburn, and gastritis.

Echinacea: Recognized for immune-boosting properties, Echinacea gained popularity, aiding in fighting diseases like colds and flu.

Calendula Salve: Marigolds played a vital role in wound healing. The calendula ointment reduced swelling and prevented infections.

Devil’s Walking Stick: Berries transformed into a tincture provided relief from toothaches and arthritis pain, inhibiting various illnesses.

Sage: A steadfast companion, sage-soaked mouthwash eased sore throats, minimizing swelling during the war.

Ginger: A potent anti-nausea treatment for challenging journeys, whether in tea or chewed, ginger settled stomachs.

Mustard Plasters: Common during breathing difficulties, mustard plasters stimulated blood flow, reducing congestion and improving breathing.

Cabbage Leaves: Known for anti-inflammatory properties, wrapping cabbage leaves eased arthritic pain around joints.

Witch Hazel: Applied topically, witch hazel relieved itching, irritation, and minor wounds.

These Civil War-era remedies showcase the resourcefulness of a time with limited medical alternatives, addressing common health conditions for both soldiers and civilians.


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