After the Holidays, Gymnema Brew to the Rescue!


“From our Publisher, Trina Becksted 

Greetings loyal readers of HolisticHealingNews! 

As we’re about to enter the portal to the shiny, bright new year 2024,  we want you to start it out right.  Chandika products,  formulated by the late Dr. Mishra,  will help with your health concerns mind, body and spirit.  They’ll reset your metabolism and get you on the right path. 

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Mishra in Sedona, AZ.   He was a very trusted healer and teacher. There are hundreds of his lectures and articles at his site below.  Happy New Year! 

We wish you Love, Joy, Prosperity and great health in the year ahead ! “

The holidays are coming to a close. We’ve been  indulging in merriment and cheer… and overeating! Don’t sweat things, it’s ok, sometimes you have to just let go and enjoy that extra slice of triple chocolate berry cheesecake! You can drink a cup of Gymnema Brew or Tripti tea and all will be well again and live happily ever after too! 

 Gymnema Brew or Tripti Tea can help you metabolize sugar and fat and feel lighter after a heavy meal sealed with desserts! Only contraindication: if you tend to have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) go easy and test yourself as these herbal spice blends are very potent and in the process of metabolizing the sugars you have ingested, they may lower your blood sugar too. Start with a 1/4 tsp per 10 oz cup. Increase as you see fit.

This Holiday Season Gymnema Brew might just be what you need after a rich meal topped with delicious sweets and dessert! Or, in fact, any day of the year if you love sweet and fatty foods but can’t seem to tolerate either well … If eating rich nourishing foods make you feel sluggish and foggy , Vaidya’s Gymnema Brew might just be a game-changer! A complex unique blend of Ayurvedic plants and ingredients, it will support your fat and sugar metabolism, improving your overall metabolism and thus energy levels. 

How does it work?

Each ingredient serves its unique purpose and works in conjunction with the other ingredients of the herbal synergy. Here’s how:

Gymnema sylvestre: called “gurmar” in Hindi, literally translates into “sugar-killer.” It has been scientifically research and found to help enhance the body’s cellular energy by improving sugar metabolism. 

Indian kino: another ayurvedic favorite – the inner hard wood of the tree called vijaya sar supplies prana to the pancreas, making it more efficient and thus supporting sugar metabolism – modern science has also confirmed these ayurvedic statements. 

Jamun seed: this seed pacifies ranjak pitta, governing factor of the liver and pancreas, through its cooling and astringent post-digestive properties. The cooling effect reduces pitta, and the astringent tate makes the pancrease “intelligent” suporting the flow and distribution of insulin. 

Fenugreek: the bitter taste of fenugreek supports the liver and the pancreas, increasing their efficiency as well for sugar and fat metabolism, by facilitating the release of bile from the liver, which goes into the colon to digest mainly fat, but sugar molecules as well. 

Date Seed: nurtures the channels and pacifies ranjaka pitta, the governing factor of the liver and the pancreas.

Chicory: supports the physical channels and enhances overall physical and vibrational circulation, supporting detox and nurturing all organs and organ systems.

Sweet Cinnamon: increases raktagni – the metabolic factor of the blood. When raktagni is low, the glucose in the blood does not get converted into the energy need to fuel the muscles. Modern research shows that cinnamon increases the body’s ability to transform sugar into energy. 

When is the best time to enjoy a cup of Gymnema Brew? 

Have a cup of Gymnema Brew AFTER your meals, to help metabolize sugar molecules and transform them into energy

For more information on this and other products visit



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