flowers forming heart

New Valentine’s Day Emotion Potions by Victoria


Victoria Kooyenga, is a Flower Essence Practitioner. She was born an Empath with an instant connection to nature. In 1987, She began channeling her abilities into Energy Work practicing Massage and Reiki …when in 2000 She stumbled on Dr. Bach’s work with flower essences. Flower Essence Therapy is all about healing the emotions and since we’re all emotional beings living in an emotional universe… it seemed to make a lot of sense as well as a good place to start the next journey in her healing career!

Flower essences hold subtle vibrational frequencies that heal mental, emotional and physical imbalances. Taken sublingually like homeopathic remedies, flowers put us in touch with our emotions! For every imbalanced emotion there is a flower frequency to match that emotion and bring it into balance. They safely dissolve what is no longer needed and lovingly work with your subconscious to help you transform any negativity. With their help, we can identify and address many issues new and old that are sabotaging our happiness. Thereby, working naturally with the flowers, we can gently shift into healthier ways of experiencing our lives.

Victoria has spent many years researching and gathering flower energies from all around the world and is so happy to share with you what she lovingly calls her “Emotion Potions”! These signature blends have been based on many of Life’s themes all synergistically infused with the perfect combination of flowers to match specific desires and dilemmas.

She has chosen 4 of her Signature Blends to introduce for Valentines Day….

Valentine Special for (Relationship Renewal) Promotes open hearted listening, and revitalizes relationships by increasing our appreciation for each other! Stop looking at your glass as half empty and get yourselves an exciting refill!

To Love and To Be Loved (Forgiveness) Fills the heart chakra with overwhelming compassion and tolerance. In order for you to attract the love that you desire you must become that which you want to attract. Replaces resentment with forgiveness. Opens you up to love once again!

Flaming Flamingo Nights (Passion and Sensuality) for men and women-
Increases the interest in passionate play as well as the libido! Enhances bodily sensations and removes inhibitions. Enjoy being comfortable in you own skin!

“Self Love/Inner Beauty ” Helps you to see your own truest beauty with a renewed self-appreciation! Bypass the judgement and criticisms. Replaces self consciousness attitudes with a new awesome self acceptance ! As you love who you see, others will too!

All “It’s In the Bottle” Formulas sell for 22.00 and can be found in her store at

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