• Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

    Adapted by Melody Gluth Thyroid The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. It secretes hormones that influence almost all of the metabolic processes. Thyroid problems can be as small as a goiter (enlarged gland) or as life-threatening as cancer....

  • 2529

    The Passion of Medicine by Jack Adam Weber

    THE PASSION OF MEDICINE (inspired by a statement from L. P. Jacks) By:  Jack Adam Weber Who is healed Through the art of wholehearted living Draws no sharp distinction Between his labor and his leisure, His soul and his affairs, His health and his illness,...

  • 1634

    Eat Better, Feel Better

    By: Reuel Ari There is a growing awareness of healthy living in Sedona, Arizona. The evidence is clear by the presence of a new vegan vegetarian restaurant and a 100 percent raw/living foods café and the many practitioners who are teaching a healthier way of...

  • Could Chinese Medicine be a Chemotherapy Alternative?

    By Andrew Spence Adapted by Melody Gluth Recent Research Recently, researchers have shown how Traditional Chinese Medicine works to kill cancer cells, paving the way for its potential use in western settings. Compound kushen injection (CKI) has been used for about 10 years in Chinese...

  • 2987

    Childhood Obesity: Strategies for Families of Overweight Children

    REVISED GUIDE FROM ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS PROVIDES PARENTS NEW STRATEGIES FOR ADDRESSING OVERWEIGHT CHILDREN http://www.eatrightpro.org/resource/media/press-releases/new-in-food-nutrition-and-health/revised-guide-from-academy-provides-parents-new-strategies-for-addressing-overweight-children CHICAGO – As National Childhood Obesity Month begins in September, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages families and their children to make healthier choices. Parents who have...

  • 2412

    Watermelon: Benefits & Downfalls

    Watermelon Watermelon hit its prime season from August till September, so right now is the perfect time to get them! However, before you do you should know that among of all the advantages they can actually do some harm. Benefits As for the advantages, watermelons,...