• You Are Always Connected to Your God No Matter Where You Are

    By Caroline Cory The physical worlds, planetary systems and universes are connected through energetic and electromagnetic lines and grids which overlap in such a way as to unite homogeneously. They all converge at one Source, the original Universal Creator-Source from which all Life springs. No...

  • Perception Can Actually Effect Your Physiology

    By: Dr. John Demartini Many of you will already be aware that there is a connection between your mind and body, and you may wonder exactly how what you perceive actually impacts your physiology. This month I will focus on wellness and illness issues and...

  • Technology’s Impact on Future Generations

    By: Dr. Joe Dispenza Many of us who are raising children likely have grown accustomed to the trance-like indifference and absent state of mind that our youth can masterfully turn on in a matter of seconds (it looks like an extended lapse in consciousness). We...

  • Natural Sleep Remedies for Optimal Slumber!

    Natural Sleep Remedies Before you rush to the drugstore to buy an over-the-counter sleep medication, try one of the following natural sleep remedies. They are safer and have fewer side effects. Many of these can not only help you fall asleep and stay asleep, but...

  • Brain Health & Avoiding Alzheimer’s

    Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most frightening, yet least understood ailments we face as human beings. The loss of memory – forgetting family, friends and the most important events of our lives – is painful, tragic and heartbreaking for anyone who is close to...

  • Tips To Keep Your Brain Healthy and Avoid Alzheimer’s

    Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most frightening, yet least understood ailments we face as human beings. The loss of memory – forgetting family, friends and the most important events of our lives – is painful, tragic and heartbreaking for anyone who is close to...