Holistic Healing News publisher, Trina Becksted, talks about soaking beans before cooking and whether that is really as beneficial to our health as we have been lead to believe. For more information read out article all about the subject: http://holistichealing.test.gate6.com/soaking-beans/.v
By Melody Gluth November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. There are over 29 million people in the United States that have diabetes, and another 25% of Americans are pre-diabetic and unaware of this. About 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes each year, and it...
By: Jake Psenka, ND There is a common theme that resonates throughout many of the most common health problems seen in medicine. This factor plays a central in many conditions and influences the presentation of and course of many, many health problems. This factor is...
By Andrew Spence Adapted by Melody Gluth Recent Research Recently, researchers have shown how Traditional Chinese Medicine works to kill cancer cells, paving the way for its potential use in western settings. Compound kushen injection (CKI) has been used for about 10 years in Chinese...
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most frightening, yet least understood ailments we face as human beings. The loss of memory – forgetting family, friends and the most important events of our lives – is painful, tragic and heartbreaking for anyone who is close to...
First-Ever Improvements in Alzheimer’s Patients’ Cognitive Abilities Reported New Study Seeks to Replicate Historic Findings of Aluminum Reduction TreatmentIn 2013, a successful pilot study published in The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease demonstrated clinically significant improvements in cognitive function among some Alzheimer’s patients after ingesting silicon-rich mineral...