• Interview with Bobi Seredich

    https://holistichealingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Bobi-Interview.mp4 In this video for Holistic Healing News, our Lead Publisher, Trina Becksted, interviews Bobi Seredich, co-founder of the Southwest Institute for Emotional Intelligence. Bobi is a recognized speaker, author, trainer, and successful entrepreneur. She is passionate about guiding individuals and organizations to achieve higher...

  • You Are Always Connected to Your God No Matter Where You Are

    By Caroline Cory The physical worlds, planetary systems and universes are connected through energetic and electromagnetic lines and grids which overlap in such a way as to unite homogeneously. They all converge at one Source, the original Universal Creator-Source from which all Life springs. No...

  • A Call for Change in Our Global Food System

    Land area the size of Nicaragua is lost due to drought and desertification every year, putting 200 million small-scale farmers in Africa south of the Sahara at high risk of climate change The Western diet is unsustainable—feeding just one Westerner for one year emits as...

  • 1865

    Let Yoga Be Your Medicine

    DETOXIFY, STIMULATE the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and BURN FAT There is a DIFFERENCE between a hot yoga studio and an Infrared Heated Studio.  Traditional heaters heat the body from the outside, great for sweating and fat burning… BUT… Infrared heats the body from the INSIDE so...

  • 2099

    Let Yoga Be Your Medicine

    If you are looking to get started with some great online yoga classes that you can partake in while at home, our publisher, Trina Becksted, recommends The Yoga Collective ( https://www.theyogacollective.com/ ). DETOXIFY, STIMULATE the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and BURN FAT There is a DIFFERENCE between...

  • Gaining NDE Insights Through Past Life Recall

    From HHNews’ Publisher Trina Becksted It was a pleasure interviewing Ann C. Barham earlier this month. Her work as a past life regressionist was intriguing to me. Perhaps is was idea of emotional healing taking place MUCH faster than with traditional talk therapy. Using her...