• 3044

    The Eternal Question: Simplicity vs. Drama

    Excerpt from Become the Architect of Your Body, Mind, and Soul by Lara Alexiou The power of consciousness is what makes us human and sets us apart from the other creatures here in the world. We can create. We can hold a vision in our...

  • Practicing Yoga from the Inside Out

    by Evon Stone Rubenstein/Amy Wheeler for Holistic Healing News Magazine When you do yoga postures, are you focusing on the sensations inside of your body or are you wondering if your form looks “correct” or are you conforming to the way the teacher or other...

  • 2018 Holistic Healing News Holiday Gift Guide

    Holiday greetings to all! We bring to you with great joy our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide. We chose these companies, some local, and some national, for their commitment to quality of life, sustainability and intention.  We know at times it’s hard to conjure up unique...

  • 402

    Trina Becksted Discusses The Benefits of Maintaining a Yoga Practice

    http://holistichealing.test.gate6.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Yoga_CLIPCHAMP_keep.mp4 In this video for Holistic Healing News, Trina Becksted, our lead publisher, discusses maintaining a yoga practice. She has been practicing yoga for almost 20 years, and it has benefited her in so many ways. There are many benefits practicing yoga regularly has, including...

  • 1857

    Let Yoga Be Your Medicine

    DETOXIFY, STIMULATE the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and BURN FAT There is a DIFFERENCE between a hot yoga studio and an Infrared Heated Studio.  Traditional heaters heat the body from the outside, great for sweating and fat burning… BUT… Infrared heats the body from the INSIDE so...

  • 2092

    Let Yoga Be Your Medicine

    If you are looking to get started with some great online yoga classes that you can partake in while at home, our publisher, Trina Becksted, recommends The Yoga Collective ( https://www.theyogacollective.com/ ). DETOXIFY, STIMULATE the IMMUNE SYSTEM, and BURN FAT There is a DIFFERENCE between...