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    Yoga Nidra Introduction

    Yoga Nidra—often called yogic sleep—is a simple yet powerful practice that can give you the restorative benefits: "four-hour sleep" in just 20 minutes. Rooted in ancient tantric traditions, this technique uses guided mental imagery along with the classic Savasana (or “corpse pose”) to help you...

  • How Yoga Heals Your Mind

    From our Publisher, Trina Becksted: We’d like to express to you the importance of mental health and the many benefits that come with practicing daily yoga. Celebrities participate in yoga, such as Britney Spears, to help clear their mind of anxious thoughts and depression. Floo-id...

  • “Yoga Pose”: The Largest Free Digital Library of Yoga Poses

    At Holistic Healing News, we are always excited to share research-based information about ways to help or ease both mental and physical illnesses. We would like to introduce Yoga Pose, the largest free digital library of yoga poses searchable by symptom. Users are able to...

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    The Eternal Question: Simplicity vs. Drama

    Excerpt from Become the Architect of Your Body, Mind, and Soul by Lara Alexiou The power of consciousness is what makes us human and sets us apart from the other creatures here in the world. We can create. We can hold a vision in our...

  • Practicing Yoga from the Inside Out

    by Evon Stone Rubenstein/Amy Wheeler for Holistic Healing News Magazine When you do yoga postures, are you focusing on the sensations inside of your body or are you wondering if your form looks “correct” or are you conforming to the way the teacher or other...

  • 2018 Holistic Healing News Holiday Gift Guide

    Holiday greetings to all! We bring to you with great joy our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide. We chose these companies, some local, and some national, for their commitment to quality of life, sustainability and intention.  We know at times it’s hard to conjure up unique...