About Holistic Healing News

June of 2008 marked the dawn of Holistic Healing News. Conceived by Trina Becksted, President and Founder of CloudNine Marketing, Inc.

Trina established CloudNine in 1997 as a marketing/ PR firm originally for the tech industry, then it quickly morphed to represent authors, film makers and practitioners in the natural medical and spiritual arenas.

Holistic Healing News was created so she would have a guaranteed, point of digital media presence for her clients and their events. In no time the site was doing just that. It gave her clients websites first page, SEO ranking within weeks. This service helped people find these sites via organic search.

Holistic Healing News since then, has been providing the latest information in natural healing, integrative medicine and alternative health modalities. Whether it is esoteric energy healing, the latest scientific Stem Cell Therapy or Anti Aging Medicine (from the American Academy of Anti Aging), HHN strives to offer, relevant, free information about healing on all levels… Mind, Body, Emotional and Spiritual health. We strive to be a strong resource for chronic disease and to enhance well being at all levels.

At HHN we provide an opportunity to find healers, information about events, and special offers for our visitors and subscribers. We promote only the best, vetted healers and their products, along with free product and discounts for them.

Healers and businesses who want to provide information about their events and practices can do so through our partner packages as well as offer articles, free gifts, discounts off services, products, events, and other resources.

Thank you for visiting our site, you can:

  • Become an exclusive member and gain access to weekly updates on our latest articles and offerings
  • Receive special discounts and opportunities from our business partners

Our site is not intended to treat or diagnose illnesses. We want to share this information for your healing empowerment We are not medical advisors, so do keep in touch with your physician for guidance and treatment. Thank you for visiting our site. Please register and receive weekly free gifts!

Trina Becksted is the founder of CloudNine Marketing, Inc. She has more than 20 years of experience as a marketing and public relations consultant. As president of CloudNine Marketing, Inc., Trina takes projects from concept to creation. Some of her biggest projects include producing five events for internationally acclaimed author Deepak Chopra, M.D. She organized and managed each of these events, attracting powerful co-sponsors like Canyon Ranch, Ritz Carlton, Mercedes Benz, Nordstrom’s, and The Cleveland Clinic Health System.

Trina’s clients particularly appreciate her extensive experience in public relations (PR) management. In addition, Trina has a strong traditional business background. Her career has included sales, advertising, and marketing management positions in the automotive, publishing, and telecommunications industries.

Trina holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Baldwin Wallace College with a concentration in Marketing Communications. She has held memberships in the Sales and Marketing Executives and Cleveland Advertising Association. Her personal interests include yoga, meditation, tennis, golf, personal growth, and bringing holistic medicine and human potential mainstream.

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