Watermelon: Benefits & Downfalls



Watermelon hit its prime season from August till September, so right now is the perfect time to get them! However, before you do you should know that among of all the advantages they can actually do some harm.


As for the advantages, watermelons, just like lots of other berries, are very rich in antioxidants like ascorbic acid, carotene, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine. It is not a secret that all those substances prolong life, have anticancer properties and have carotene (can be found in higher levels in carrots) which can improve your vision. Even though those are some great advantages of watermelons, you can find them in a lot of other products we consume on a daily basis. The main benefit of watermelons is that it is the only product that is rich with a very rare folic acid, vitamin B9. This vitamin is essential for constructing DNA and RNA, and it is also involved in cell division, absorption and processing proteins. This is why future mothers might want to consume a lot of B9 because deficiency of this vitamin may affect the formation of the nervous system of the baby and increase the risk of cancer. Since it is an invisible benefit of B9, some of us might not pay a lot of attention to it, but it is essential for our body. When it comes to a ‘visible’ effect of folic acid, it provides a healthy skin color and improves digestion.

Other Benefits

Another very important advantage of watermelon is that it is very rich in magnesium. If you have ever experienced limb spasms, tingling, weakness or fatigue, the reason behind it might be the lack of magnesium. Those suffering from depression should also consider including watermelon in their diet, because magnesium can improve your mood and help you feel better.

Watermelon is also used as facial mask for all skin types. Just mush it in a dish and apply it to the skin for no longer than 10 minutes. Those, who have very dry skin can also put some olive oil under the watermelon mask to make their skin look fresher and feel softer.

Harmful Elements

So far sounds great! “Why not eat them every day?” you might ask. Well here you should know they might be pretty harmful to your body as well.
Even though nature has created this delicious fruit very nutritious, most companies who grow watermelons, pump them with a poisonous chemical called nitrate in order to grow them faster and bigger to increase their revenue. Nitrates can have either gradual or instant poisonous effects. Healthy young people, might not notice it, but it can accumulate in their bodies over time which can cause weakness, lowered immunity, irritability and insomnia. In children, however, side effects can appear within a few hours after eating such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and abdominal pain.
The worst part of this is it is almost impossible to tell the difference between organic and chemical infused watermelon. Only laboratory analysis can tell the difference.

Another harm from watermelons comes from the bacteria which loves to live in those fruits. If you cut the fruit you should eat it right away, or put it into sterile conditions to store it. Which is why it is very important to remember not to buy cut watermelons in grocery stores.

When craving a watermelon on a hot summer day, get yourself full uncut fruit from the organic store and you will experience all the benefits it can possibly give you.


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