Baby getting a vaccination

AAC Journal Article – State of Vaccination Choice in Arizona


Vaccine choice is an issue that is important to many chiropractors (and families) across the

nation. Arizona is no exception. In Arizona, we are fortunate to have all three exemptions

available: medical, religious, and philosophical. However, there is a trend across the nation to

remove exemptions, limit exemptions or make it more difficult to obtain exemptions.

The AAC recently adopted a position statement on health care freedom, which includes the

vaccine choice issue. This position statement is as follows:

The AAC supports an individual’s right to freedom of choice in determining health care decisions

for themselves and their children based upon informed awareness of the benefits and possible

adverse effects of all types of treatment.

We further support medical, philosophical, and religious exemptions regarding any mandatory

health care laws thereby maintaining an individual’s right to freedom of choice in health care


It has come to our attention that there are two issues related to vaccine choice in Arizona. The

first is a statutory change that would require anyone wishing to use the philosophical exemption

to watch an 8-12 minute video for EACH VACCINE they wish to be exempted from receiving.

While we are not opposed to increased education for parents, we are concerned about the one

sided nature of these videos, as well as the significant burden it will place on an already

overburdened education system in enforcing. It will also impact families that do not have access

to the Internet or printer. Finally, we are concerned about database creation and the potential for

tracking people who exempt their children from vaccines.

The second issue related to vaccine choice is HB 2527. This bill would require schools to post

vaccination rates on their school website. A recent article in the Phoenix New Times on

February 8, 2016 explains the rationale for introducing this legislation.


This legislation is unnecessary as this information is already available for concerned parents to

access. Requiring schools to post this information places an undue burden on the education

system, creates the potential for a child’s privacy to be violated and has the potential to create a

discriminatory and hostile environment in the school setting.

Rest assured that we are abreast of these issues and are working to preserve vaccine choice

and health care freedom in Arizona. But, we need your help! We need your membership as

there is strength in numbers. An organization of 1,000 has more political influence than an

organization of 200. We need your voice. We need you to meet with your legislator and be

willing to make phone calls when necessary and enlist your practice members in this effort. We

need you to rally with us and give us your feedback so that we can better serve the DC’s in

Arizona. And finally, we need your financial support. Your membership dues go to support the

issues that you care about and to bring diverse speakers and relevant continuing education to


We know you are busy, but if you don’t take the time and make the effort to preserve health

care freedom, who will? Please join us in preserving health care freedom and vaccine choice.

Any time, effort or financial support is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or would like more information about how you can help, please

contact Dr. Joanne Siebert at [email protected]. She can also be reached at


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