Marma, Prana, and Your Eyes through Ayurveda


by Melina Mishra and Rhonda Marzoq

If you ever wondered how your body was connected to the universe you live in; if you always wanted to know more about how your soul communicates with your mind and heart; or just what it means to be alive, then what you are about to read will enthrall you!

There is an ancient well-kept science of vibrational energetic medicine that hails from ancient vedic indian culture. Ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine – one of the world’s oldest and most potent healing modalities – not only offers us an unprecedented radical understanding of human physiology and psychology, along with an extensive herbal pharmacopea, even advanced surgical protocols, but it is also a yet-to-be discovered treasure-trove of energetic vibrational healing that works with energy points called “marma.”

Vaidya Ramakant Mishra (1952-2017), world renowned ayurvedic healer, author, teacher and formulator, took our understanding of marma, or vedic energy points, to great depths. In general, in ayurvedic textbooks, marma points are discussed in terms of physiological components, such as:  Asthi (bone), Mamsa (muscle), Sandhi (joints), Sira (blood vessels and veins), Snayu (ligaments and tendons).

Vaidya Mishra taught us that what makes a marma point powerful is beyond anything physical. It’s the flow and energy of “prana” that inhabits each point. But even further than that, he taught us how to harness the power of that pranic flow, correct it, redirect it, so as to heal with and through it.  In order to understand what a marma point is, we have to understand what prana is. 

What is a Marma point?

It is unfortunate to find that in all books prana is defined in terms of or likened to the chinese term, the “chi” – the life-force. And it stops there. Vaidya Mishra taught us that there is much more to a marma point, because he gave us the full understanding of prana. What does it means to say that prana is our life-force? What does life-force mean? It is that energetic current that flows in our bodies and animates it, sustaining our breath, and keeping us alive.

Vaidya Mishra taught us that prana is made up of three meta-elements that make up the universal fabric of all things in existence namely: Soma, Agni, and Marut. Soma corresponds to the lunar nurturing cooling energy; Agni is the solar transformative hot energy; Marut is the etheric energy that regulates flow, spatiality, and movement. These three cosmic building elements “materialize” as prana. This is how the whole universe flows into us with prana through each of the marma points in our bodies! Marma points then are then junction points between the cosmic universe and our individual physical realities. So you can imagine how powerful they are! 

Vaidya and Melina Mishra

Healing Through Marma Points? 

So, as Vaidya Mishra explained, and unlike what mainstream ayurveda is teaching, marma points are not just the meeting point of two or more distinct bodily tissues! They are the locus of cosmic energy flowing through our bodies. This is why they are a radical step in energy healing. When we know how to touch a marma point, when we know which marma point to touch, we can correct and redirect the flow of prana to ailing parts of the body and initiate very powerful healing.

There are a total of 107 marma points in the body, gateways to cosmic prana. In this article, we will focus on marma points in relation to the vibrational health of our eyes.

Vaidya Mishra has given us a specific protocol for addressing the health of our eyes through marma massage.

 Women's Face with Ayurvedic Marma points Listed

Each one of the eye care marma points control a specific kind of action related to the mind and body. 

Anja and Staphani: The Ajna and Staphani Marmas both focus on the connection between the eyes, brain, and soul. Ajna connects the eyes and the divinity of the soul while Staphani works to improve the connection between the eyes and brain specifically in relation to their interaction. 

Apanga and Shankha: The Apanga and Shankha Marmas release any tension that may be present. The Shankha Marma is specifically related to tension in the eye, while the Apanga is less specific in its application. 

Phana: The Phana Marma is related to the nostrils and is broken down into the left and right phana. This distinction between the nostrils relates to soma and agni. 

Agni in Ayurvedic medicine is fire or the cosmic light. Soma is the fuel for agni. Without Soma Agni would be self-confused! Soma flows through the left phana and Agni through right resulting in a process of cooling and heating energy metamorphosis.  

The soma cools the eyes and the agni helps the eyes and brain coordinate the visual information constantly being sent back and forth to each other.  

Urdhaw and Adhoakshi: The Urdhaw and Adhoakshi Marmas both provide the eyes with pranic energy. Pranic energy is a method of pranic healing that heals the body by treating an individual’s energy field. 

Prana, life energy, receives its energy from the sun, air, and the earth. 

How to use the Marmas and Marma Points for Eye Care 

Ayurvedic Medicine uses specific herbs for eye care marmas. Chackchushya, Mameera, and Triphala are excellent for eye care. Chackchushya is used to increase the health and longevity of the eyes. Mameera is a toxin free ingredient for eye health that can be used in eyeliners. Triphala nurtures, calms, and cleanses the eyes. Each of these ingredients, if used correctly, can greatly benefit eye care. 

Addressing the health of your eyes through energetic marma massage will not only pranically recharge your organs, a vital organ, but also calm your mind and heart – as the eyes are constantly receiving and processing sensory information that we process mentally and emotionally. Pranically recharding your eyes will have an impact on your mental and emotional outlook, keep you grounded. And you will experience flow of pranic charge immediately. Give yourself an eye-marma massage today and see the difference! 

In this article