Sudden Heart Ailments in Young Males Linked to Vaccine?


About Myocarditis

Myocarditis takes place when the heart muscle becomes enlarged and inflamed. It is often caused by an infection or sickness, which then leads to abnormalities in heartbeats and even heart failure. Although a serious condition with no cure, there is treatment offered for the symptoms based on the severity. John Hopkins Medicine lists treatments to this heart condition to be:

            -Beta Blockers

            -ACE Inhibitors/ ARBS



The number of Myocarditis cases and other heart ailments have increased significantly, and it is now being linked to infections like COVID.

COVID Relations

Why is there such an increase in this heart disease? Myocarditis is seen now more than ever due to the COVID-related spike protein that is found in both COVID infection and in the COVID vaccine. This spike protein makes its way into the body’s cells, thus causing inflammation of one’s heart. GreenMedInfo LLC explains how testing troponin, a protein in the heart muscle, reveals that there is relation between the degree of heart inflammation and COVID infection and vaccination status. Along with Myocarditis, high troponin levels cause issues with hearth rhythms and heart blocks.

The spike protein from COVID contributes to blood clotting, due to elevated D-dimer levels. These elevated levels indicate that blood clots are dispersing within the body and more clots are forming. Myocarditis cases that took place prior to the pandemic generally did not include blood clotting and only inflammation of the heart.

In addition to Myocarditis and blood clotting, other heart ailments such as heart block and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) are more prevalent due to infection with COVID and its vaccine. MIS causes pervasive inflammation of the body that mostly affects the heart and lungs in both adults and children.


Myocarditis is found in patients today more than ever. This directly relates to the COVID-related spike protein from both infection and vaccinations. If you have experienced any infection with COVID, remember to be cognizant of your heart health and any potential blood clotting. For more information on Myocarditis and how it relates to infections like COVID, visit


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