Who Knew Mouthwash Destroys your Essential Nitric Oxide?



Nitric oxide is an important element for our bodies. It allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to travel through bodies effectively. Its main function is vasodilation, which helps the inner muscles of blood vessels to relax.


Lack of nitric oxide can lead to things like heart disease and diabetes. Although it is naturally produced by our bodies, there are many other things that help boost the nitric oxide intake within our bodies. 


Ways to Increase Nitric Oxide 

Eating vegetables that are high in nitrates is a great way to increase our nitric oxide. The nitrates within the vegetables are converted into nitric oxide and aid in lowering blood pressure and improving exercise performance in athletes. Nitrate rich vegetables include celery, chervil, lettuce, beetroot, spinach and arugula. 


Another way to boost nitric oxide production is to incorporate more antioxidants into your diet. Antioxidants are known to help increase the stability and replenishment of nitric oxide and decrease any breakdown. Some beneficial antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, Polyphenols, and Glutathione. Additionally, nitric boosting supplements like L-Arginine and L-Citrulline have ingredients that create nitric oxide within the body. The Journal of Preventative Medicine and Hygiene states that “L-arginine supplements increase respiratory response and enhance performance during exercise, while L-citrulline with malate and other molecules increase working capacity” (Kiani, 2022). 

Decreasing use of mouthwash will also contribute to increasing and stabilizing our nitric oxide. Mouthwash kills bacteria in our mouths, including the good kind of bacteria that helps create nitric oxide. Copious amounts of mouthwash usage can contribute to lack of nitric oxide. thus causing spiked blood pressure, diabetes and negative affects to the makeup of our brains. In Dr. Axe’s article “Nitric Oxide Benefits + How to Increase Levels Naturally”, it stated how it was found that nitric oxide can change the “computational ability” of the brain, which leads to the fact that nitric oxide helps with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease”. 

Lastly, exercising regularly is a great way to produce nitric oxide. Exercising improves endothelial production, which makes nitric oxide and aids in the health of our blood vessels. Lack of nitric oxide production can lead to endothelium dysfunction which can then cause atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Exercising increases antioxidant activity which stops the breakdown of nitric oxide throughout the body.



Nitric oxide is needed for the overall health of our bodies. Eating nitrate-rich vegetables, incorporating more antioxidants into your diet, using mouthwash sparingly, and exercising regularly are some of the many things you can do to increase the nitric oxide production in your body.


Increasing nitric oxide production can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Take charge of your health by considering these factoids on the importance of nitric oxide! 



Kiani, A. K., Bonetti, G., Medori, M. C., Caruso, P., Manganotti, P., Fioretti, F., Nodari, S., Connelly, S. T., & Bertelli, M. (2022, October 17). Dietary supplements for improving nitric-oxide synthesis. Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene. 

Price, A. (2023, April 9). Nitric Oxide Benefits + How to Increase Levels Naturally? Dr. Axe. 



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